Alpine Carpet Cleaning

Commercial & Residential
Call Now 248.625.0044

Your Furniture is a Petri Dish of Bacteria

Is your furniture dingy; covered in stains and pet hair? Food, beverages, pets, dirt, and human fluids, can leave your upholstery looking soiled and worn out. It’s not only unattractive but can be harmful to your health.

Our IICRC trained and certified technicians use a proven step-by-step system that removes the bacteria, allergens, odors, pet hair, and ground-in dirt, leaving your upholstery deep cleaned and looking like new!

Our trucks are loaded with powerful 400 HP engines that run our top-of-the-line steam and vacuum cleaning system. With steam heated up to 240 degrees, it’s capable of truly deep cleaning the dirtiest upholstery without the use of harsh chemicals.

Furniture is expensive! And your family’s health is priceless! No matter what the commercials say, that spray “cleaner” doesn’t actually clean anything. It just masks the odors with perfumes that can be harmful to your family and pets. So trust your upholstery to Alpine because we have decades of experience and the most powerful tools in the industry to restore your furniture to its former glory.